Recognition and Cooperation Networks
Cooperation networks
Tartu Environmental Education Centre is:
- A full member of the international environmental education organization Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and it’s program Eco-Schools Global and coordinator of the activities in Estonia
- A member of The Baltic Sea Project – UNESCO ASP network of schools and coordinator of the activities in Estonia
- A founding member of the Estonian STEM Education Union
- A member of the Estonian Association of Hobby Schools
Recognitions and awards
The annual competition for environmentally friendly educational activities “Keskkonnakäpp” organized by the Environmental Board has recognized us as:
- Tubli tegutseja 2019 – Estonian Green Movement and Tartu Nature House for the initiative “Environmentally friendly public events”
- Kogukonna kaasaja 2019 – Katrin Saart, Margit Lehis, Eeva Kirsipuu-Vadi, Katrin Juhanson “Environmentally friendly Student Science Festival”
- Õnnelik õppija 2018 – Foundation Saadjärve and Tartu Nature House for the H2O visiting game
- Õnnelik õppija 2017 and Rahva lemmik 2017 – Tartu Nature House and Estonian University of Life Sciences Võrtsjärv Study Center for organizing fishing camps for children and young people
- Tubli tegutseja 2017 – Tartu Nature House teacher Gedy Siimenson for conveying the principles of sustainable development
- Tark tarbija 2017 – Tartu Nature House teacher Pille-Riin Pärnsalu for the handicraft recycling fair in Tartu
- Kogukonna kaasaja 2016 – Tartu Nature House teacher Gedy Siimenson for the initiative “International Student Baltic Sea Research”
- Tark tarbija 2016 – Exhibition “With a new impetus” of creative works by students with special needs
- Tubli tegutseja 2015 and Rahva lemmik 2015 – Estonian Ornithological Society and Tartu Nature House for organizing a charity memory game
- Tubli tegutseja 2014 – Tartu Nature House teacher Kati Kekkonen for actively sharing environmental information.
Awards for popularizing science in Estonian by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Estonian Research Council:
- Best popularizer of science and technology 2018 2nd prize to Aivo Tamme, a teacher at the Tartu Nature House, for organizing and supervising a children’s zoological hobby class in the category popularizing scientist, journalist, teacher, etc.
- Nationally recognized Science Popularizer 2016 Grand Prize for the best new initiative in popularizing science and technology in the H₂O visiting game category.
- Estonian Science Popularization Award 1st prize 2008 Series of activities in popularizing science and technology for a traveling exhibition on urban nature in the category “I am not a guest, I live here”
Green Office of the Year 2019 – from the Estonian Environmental Management Association for following the principles of sustainability in creating a healthy working environment, using natural resources and organizing procurements and purchases.
Teleworker Label from 2017 – from the Smart Work Association for recognizing teleworking opportunities in Tartu Nature House.
Environmental Award of the year 2013 – The Ministry of the Environment acknowledged the completion of the Tartu Nature House.
Environmental Award of the year 2013 (EKO) – Nature houses opened in Pärnu and Tartu were chosen as the best environmental work of 2013 by the Estonian Council of Environmental NGOs.
Youth Work Institution of the Year 2012 – Recognition of the city of Tartu for the best youth work.
Environmental Award of the year 2007 competition’s 1st prize – The Ministry of the Environment acknowledged Tartu Nature House for the successful management of the Latvian-Estonian co-operation project “Learning nature and teaching outdoors through cross-border co-operation”.