Practical guide for organizing environmentally friendly events

Event organizers can find advice how to make their events more environmentally friendly from a new handbook.

Under Tartu Nature House’s leadership supported by a Estonian-Russian cooperation project “GreenMind” a “Practical guide for organizing environmentally friendly events” was composed that is available for everyone on the Internet. The guide helps to bring out the possibilities reducing the environmental impact and offers great examples of different festivals where it has already been successful. In order to facilitate the organizers work eco friendly services’ and products’ examples with tenderers contacts have been collected.

Irrespective of the size and nature of an event every organizer should  think, how the gathering could be more environmentally friendly. Cooperating with Estonian big events organizers Tartu Nature House has put together a handbook consisting practical tips. 

Due to COVID-19 the society has become very cautious and considering the protection of environment we have stepped back. For one example, the shops refused to sell food in customers’ own reusable containers and the use of single-use dishes, plastic bags etc. multiplied in emergency situation. It is necessary and possible to return to sustainable and eco friendly consumption after the pandemic and the end of crisis measures.

There are many festivals in Estonia where the reduction of environmental impact has been in focus for years. Plenty of tips and encouraging inspiration can be found for other organizers in the new guide, which can be downloaded from Tartu Nature House’s website. In addition, examples and references to environmentally friendly products and service providers have been assembled. 

Download the guidebook: 

In Estonian: Keskkonnasõbralike_sündmuste_juhend (uuendatud versioon juuli 2020)  
In English: Practical guide for organising environmentally friendly events (1st version) 


More information:

Eeva Kirsipuu-Vadi
projecti coordinator