Boulder trail in the park

Every boulder on the Tartu Nature House park trail has its own story of formation and migration.

As you move along the trail located in front of the house, you will get to know different types of erratic boulders that moved from Scandinavia to Estonia with the glacier during the last ice age and settled here as moraine when the ice melted. On the trail, you can scan the QR codes on the rocks with your phone, which open an animation with additional information.

From the larger boulders found in the ground during the construction of the Nature House and the neighboring building, different types of igneous and metamorphic rocks have been selected for viewing here:


  1. Wyborgite
  2. Erratic stones
  3. Pyterlite
  4. Pegmatitic granite
  5. Migmatized gneiss
  6. Gneiss
  7. Mica gneiss
  8. Granite porphyry