From 26.08 some COVID-19 protective measures will be applied (from the age of 18).
For you to visit Tartu Nature House you must provide one of the following:

  • Immunization certificate (only when fully vaccinated) with identity document;
  • Certificate of recovery from COVID-19;
  • Negative PCR test not older than 72 hours;
  • Rapid antigen tests performed by a healthcare provider not older than 48 hours.

OR in some cases wearing a mask is mandatory. Children under the age of 12 or visitors for whom it is unreasonable to wear a mask for health reasons or other important reasons do not have to wear a mask.

Additional information:  +372 736 6120,

Tartu Nature House is a happy secret world for children, animals and plants, hidden between the roads and buildings of the city center. We live here in our own rhythm, teaching and raising children, young people and families to be greener and more caring people. And to be able to care, you have to be able to notice! The Nature House encourages children, young people and adults to notice, explore and preserve the richness of the species, and attracts all the people of the city to look through green glasses.

5+ reasons to visit
Tartu Nature House this summer

  1. A unique building designed specially for environmental education
  2. Different exhibitions to discover
  3. A fun selection of outdoor games
  4. Exotic winter garden with turtles
  5. Park with trails and playground
õuemängud õuemängude laenutus

Opening times in summer:

Lille 10, Tartu

Exhibition “Me, superorganism” 14.05.-01.09.2021

From May 14th, Tartu Nature House invites you to visit the brand new exhibition “Me, superorganism”, which was created in cooperation with the Estonian Health Museum, TalTech and the Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies.

The aim of the exhibition is to introduce visitors to the benefits of bacteria. Specifically, how our body’s microbial communities affect our health and well-being, and what we can do to keep our microbiome balanced and healthy.

We have always lived alongside microorganisms, and a strong symbiosis has developed. The introduction of new technologies has allowed us to identify thousands of new bacterial species and their functions. Microbiome research is a rapidly developing area of scientific research. Our co-existence with bacteria has never been considered more important or better understood. At a time of medicine moving towards a patient-centric approach, this is a science of the future with great potential!

This exhibition is translated in both Russian and English.

In summer, the exhibition can be viewed at Tartu Nature House, Lille 10 from Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm.

Ticket information:
Exhibition visit only: full 3 € / discount 2 € / family 10 €
Exhibition + house visit: full 5 € / discount 3 € / family 13 €

New Tartu Nature House gift cards with a valuse best suited for you.

Gift your loved ones with memorable and green experiences in Tartu Nature House – family visit and excursion in the winter garden and animal room, children’s birthday party with a workshop or a nice gift from our shopping corner!

A gift card is a great way to create shared memories, have some fun or make an eco-friendly gift to someone special.

Paper gift card

  • The gift card can be used to pay for Tartu Nature House services or souvenirs in the shopping corner, and it is valid as a means of payment to the extenct of the amount shown on the card.
  • The gift card is for single use only. The gift card will not be exchanged for cash and the difference in cost will not be refunded. It’s not possible to use the gift card to purchase another nature house gift card.
  • The gift card is valid for a year starting from the date of purchase.
  • The gift cards are on sale at the Tartu Nature House information desk (fixed values of 20 €, 50 € or 100 €)

Time is difficult, challenging and requires smart technical solutions. Therefore, in addition to cozy seminar rooms, Tartu Nature House also helps you to organise a virtual training or conference.  Due to current Covid restrictions, it is not possible to organize face-to-face trainings, conferences or seminars. Only individual activities and virtual meetings are allowed.

Tartu Nature House has the necessary equipment which makes it possible to organize a virtual training or conference in our premises. For the smooth running of the event, we offer virtual studio, technical support and the possibility to stream or record what is happening, so that you can watch or share what you have recorded later.

We are experienced organizers of online trainings and seminars, and we can give advice on how to organize a web event and which aspects to pay attention to.

For more information on organizing web events:



We are experienced organizers of online trainings and seminars ourselves and we can give advice on how to organize a web event and what aspects to pay attention to.
Contact us and we will discuss your wishes and needs together.

We are responsive and flexible, and together we try to find the best solution.

Tel. 736 6120, 50 555 27



Dear visitors!

Tartu Nature house is closed for the time being. We will keep you updated with changes through our website and social media posts.

At the moment the only service we are able to provide is renting room and equipment for your virtual event.
More information

Eesti Keskkonnahariduse Ühing virtuaalne teabepäev Tartu loodusmajas 9.03.2021


You are still able to call us +372 736 6120 or write an e-mail

Stay healthy and hang in there!
We are looking forward to opening our house to visitors again.



On the 3rd of december, the city of Tartu recognized the best youth workers of 2020 in Tartu at the youth work recognition event held in the ruins of the Cathedral of the University of Tartu Museum.

We are very pleased to announce that one of the four acclaimed is Pille-Riin Pärnsalu, study coordinator of  Tartu Nature House Hobby School.

During the last academic year, Pille-Riin has supported the development of digital capabilities and conducted trainings in raising digital competencies for teachers of both the Nature House Hobby School and the member schools of the Estonian Association of Hobby Schools. She has contributed to the creation of curricula and development plans for the nature house and improved the opportunities for distanced learning.

In Tartu Nature House Pille-Riin supervises three hobby classes (Environmentally Friendly Design, Water World and Friends of Nature), fills the role of study coordinator of the hobby school and organizes practicums for the Green School program for hobby school students and parents. In addition, she occasionally instructs study programs and workshops on various topics, helps to decorate our house with his skillful fingers, and is one of the multitalents found in the Nature House.

Thank you Pille-Riin, your work is very important for the Nature House and all your students!

Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation is looking for the creative artworks which are calling to act environmentally friendly 

Estonia-Russia CBC program project  ER101 “GreenMind: Raising Environmental Awareness in Estonian-Russian Border Area” has opened environmental advertisement contest about Lake Peipsi, with a deadline 10th of January 2021.

More information:

The aim of the competition is to encourage people to behave more environmentally friendly through the art messages. Artworks should draw attention to the problems of Lake Peipsi (environmental, social, economic, etc.) and visions for the future; we also expect the authors to make notion on the cross border environmental issues.

It is an international competition that takes place in two stages.
– Stage 1 – national competition / separate competitions in Estonia and Russia;
– Stage 2 – international  phase: study trip and a joint Estonian-Russian seminar in Pskov region, scheduled for June 2021.

What we are looking for

We expect different forms of self-expression, which can be comics, photos, photo collages, videos and animations or a combination of different media. Each participant can submit up to two works. The target groups of the competition are: gymnasium students (15+ year); students, creative and environmental specialists, etc.

Submission of works

The deadline for submitting your works is no later than at midnight at 23:59 on January 10th 2021.

Best artworks will be published on the web exhibition of the on the GreenMind project, on the website and on Facebook.

The authors of the best artworks (10 people) have an opportunity to participate in a 3-day long study trip/workshop in Pskov in June 2021, where a joint seminar and meeting with the with the winners of Pskov region contest  takes place. All related travel expenses will be covered by organisers.

The prize fund of the competition includes also the gift cards of the art shops.


The Contest is held within the framework of the GreenMind project with the support of the Estonia-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Co-funding support by The Foundation Environmental Investments Centre 

Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to foster cross border cooperation across the borders between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation to promote socio-economic development in the regions on both sides of the common borders. The Programme web-site is   

Additional information:

Ederi Ojasoo
+372 56 636 264


Candles create a cozy and soothing environment and change your being both physically and mentally lighter. But what type of candle is the best choice for both the environment and your health?

There is a wide variety to choose from so it is not so easy to give a single answer. Candles are made out of paraffin , stearin, various vegetable waxes, but also beeswax.

The most common and affordable is a paraffin candle made out of petroleum industry residues. The burning process of each candle produces soot particles, which are toxic in case of oil-based candles. Soot damages airways, especially of those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory diseases. However, the most harmful substances come from candle paint, varnish or synthetic fragrances. Like other products, there are both high-quality and very cheap paraffin candles – the latter should be avoided.

Stearin candles are more expensive than paraffin candles and are usually made from palm oil, but sometimes animal fats are also used.

Vegetable wax candles include a variety of soy-, coconut- and rapeseed wax candles. The increasing mass cultivation of each monoculture is generally associated with the loss of biodiversity – new farmlands are established at the expense of natural biomes. For example, palm oil entails cutting down rainforests and soybean production is challenged by the use of pesticides, as well as the effects of GMOs. In remote plantations respect for human rights of the workers is often a problem and as we know palm oil, coconut and soybeans reach us from afar. In the case of rapeseed grown in Europe – if it’s not a raw produce from an organic farming – we unfortunately have to consider the devastating effects of insecticides. From Estonian candle masters we can also find vegetable candle crumbs, which uses olive oil as a raw produce.

Historically, the most used and nowadays the most valuable candles in Estonia are made of beeswax – both accoring to its essence and price tag.


Evidently, beeswax candles made by a local beekeeper, as well as ecostearin and eco-plant wax candles can be considered a good choice.

Ecolabel – when buying candles from a store, it is worth keeping an eye on the eco-labels and prefer candles with the EU flower or the Nordic swan label.

Packaging – the less packaged, the better! The range of packaging-free tealights is also expanding.

Less is more! When burning candles, it is recommended not to overdo it – instead of many candles burning at once, limit yourself to a few candles. Although air is primarily polluted by paraffin candles, the mass use of alternatives is also unreasonable from an environmental point of view.