The 3rd event of the Tartu Nature House International Club invites you to learn about upcycling.

Date: 13th of November at 16:00 – 19:00 o’clock.

Participants will be divided into two groups to attend a sewing workshop and a movie which addresses the environmental damage caused by the food and textile industry. The sewing workshop instructor Pille-Riin Pärnsalu will teach participants how to sew their own fruit bags and lead a discussion about recycling and upcycling. We want to raise awareness of these problems among participants, and arouse the curiosity to elaborate about possible solutions.

Only participate when you are in full health to prevent endangering other people. We will have to ask people with symptoms to leave. Wearing a mask is highly recommended.

The idea of “International Club” started with a vision of a comfortable place for young adults (age 18-26) to gather and exchange their experiences. Even though there are a number of foreign students in Tartu there aren’t many places that promote environmental education which is where International Club steps in. The club welcomes both local estonians and foreigners living in Tartu to create a cross-cultural environmental discussion.


Maximum participants: 20 people



Join the event on Facebook

Read more about the International Club on our homepage

upcycling workshop

The 4th event of the Tartu Nature House International Club invites you to a tasty Syrian bakery workshop.

Date: 17th of November at 17:00 – 21:00 o’clock

International House chefs will walk us through some exciting recipes that you are able to modify and recreate later on. We will have discussions about zero waste cooking as well as the meaning and importance of fair trade labels. While establishing a strong link between health, nutrition and safety, we aim to instruct participants in implementing sustainable ways of preparing, cooking and presenting tasteful recipes in their everyday lives.

During the event we plan on having short presentations to share our culture with each other.


– Cheese Pie
– Muhammara Pie (roasted pepper and walnut dip filling)

– Baklava (airy nut cake)

– Arabian coffee
– Sage tea


Only participate when you are in full health to prevent endangering other people. We will have to ask people with symptoms to leave. Wearing a mask is highly recommended.

The idea of “International Club” started with a vision of a comfortable place for young adults (age 18-26) to gather and exchange their experiences. Even though there are a number of foreign students in Tartu there aren’t many places that promote environmental education which is where International Club steps in. The club welcomes both local estonians and foreigners living in Tartu to create a cross-cultural environmental discussion.


Maximum participants: 15 people



Join the event on Facebook

Read more about the International Club on our homepage


international cooking class

Tartu Nature House’s second International Club event takes you on a Halloween hike on Kiidjärve-Taevaskoja trail!

Date: 31. October at 10.00 – 17.00

Prepare your scary costume for the role-playing Halloween hike (10 km) and enjoy the autumn weather while solving mysterious puzzles, learning about Estonian nature and ancient customs during different Halloween-related days – like the Estonian All Souls’ Day. The hikingtrail runs along the picturesque banks of Ahja River Valley Landscape Reserve in Põlvamaa, where you can easily see interesting sandstone banks, small caves, outcrops and springs. We will also visit the famous sandstone outcrops Small Heaven’s Hall (Väike Taevaskoda) and Large Heaven’s Hall (Suur Taevaskoda), spring Emaläte and cave Neitsikoobas which are all very important ancient natural sacred sites and have various mystical legends tied to them.

The expedition guide is Tartu Nature House’s hiking class teacher Gedy Matisen.

Gathering point location: Tartu Railway Station (Vaksali 6)

Only participate when you are in full health with no virus symptoms to prevent endangering other people.


Be quick to register, because a maximum of 13 people can join the horrific festivities!

Details of the hike and what to pack will be sent to your e-mail after the registration.

Sign-up here:


international club


More information:

Getrin Laanesoo

International Club coordinator

Games Night is the kick-off event of the Tartu Nature House International Club.

The aim of the International Club is to welcome young adults (ages 18-26 years) from different cultural backgrounds and offer more opportunities to learn about environmental education and sustainable lifestyles. In total there will be 4 starter events and we hope to form an international group who meet regularly.


First event – “Games Night!”

22. October 2020 15:00 – 21:00

  • From 15.00 till 21.00 we will introduce and play the fantasy tabletop role-playing game “Dungeons & Dragons“. Participating in this workshop requires all participants to take part the whole time! The dungeon master is Boris Pakk.
    D&D max 6 people.
  • From 17.00 till 21.00 we will play different board and puzzle games to get to know each other better. This workshop is open access and you can join in any time. The game master is Liisgren Pärnsalu.
    Board games max 30 people.

Join the event on Facebook

More information about the Club and upcoming events:


international club

Dear parents and students!

We are pleased to announce that the registration for Tartu Nature House 2020/2021 hobby classes is now open!

This year we are introducing a completely new english hobby class for foreigners and english learning children and pupils in Tartu. This new hobby class focuses on the countries, people and cultures within the world around us. Learn more about the hobby class “The worls around us” here and contact the teacher for more information. There are also estonian speaking classes that welcome foreign english speaking children in which the teacher will translate the activities and assignments. All the classes available for non-estonian speaking pupils can be found HERE.

The opening event of the hobby school will take place on the 1st of September at 16:00. There you can get acquainted with the activities of the Green School program, teachers and classrooms of this year’s hobby school.


REGISTRATE FOR A HOBBY CLASS HERE! (in estonian). If you need the sign up sheet in English, contact the study coordinator: Pille-Riin Pärnsalu,


loodusmaja ekskursioon


Do you know how Great Crested Grebe – the bird of the year looks like? Who is the butterfly of the year and how it relates to mosaic? Tartu Nature House has created a versatile workbook about Estonian this year’s special species.

Get to know the bird of the year – Great Crested Grebe, the tree of the year – spruce, the animal of the year – bat, the mushroom of the year – Cladonia stellaris, the butterfly of the year – Euphydryas aurinia and the fish of the year – salmon. In the workbook you can paint, cut, fold, orient in the maze and gather exciting new knowledge. The tasks of the workbook are suitable for basic school I-II age level, but also for all smaller nature enthusiasts.

The workbook about this year’s special species is on sale in the shop corner of Tartu Nature House. It costs 3 €. It is also possible to order larger quantities for groups and classes by ordering

Under the leadership of Tartu Nature House a board game has been completed. It is called “Game of Lake Peipsi” and was completed within the Estonian-Russian cooperation project “GreenMind”.

Kindergartens near Lake Peipsi can use it to get to know the plants growing near Lake Peipsi and the animals, fish and birds living there. During the game, you will learn about the various dangers and sources of pollution that affect the health of Lake Peipsi. The game is designed as a helpful learning tool for preschool age children. It introduces the biota of Lake Peipsi and creates a good ground to discuss about environmental protection themes.

The board game set includes:

  • instructions on the boardgame box
  • board game base
  • wooden dice
  • playing cards (5 themes x 12 picture cards)
  • a book with additional information and descriptions

The game will be distributed to kindergartens near Lake Peipsi on the basis of a distribution plan created by the project manager. Selected kindergartens will be contacted.

Author of the idea: Ülle Kaasik
Instructions and map descriptions: Elo Hermann, Ülle Kaasik, Eeva Kirsipuu-Vadi
Language editor: Heli Saar
Design and implementation: Elo Hermann, Marge Nelk /


The board game was completed within the activities of the “GreenMind” project, which is funded by the Estonian-Russian cross-border cooperation program 2014-2020 and co-financed by the Environmental Investment Center.

Project coordinator
Eelika Laane-Hannus

Tartu Nature Nature House is delighted to announce that since October 2019 we have our first European Solidarity Corps volunteer.


Jelisaveta is a biology student from Serbia.
You have a chance to get to know her and follow her exciting journey via our homepage.

  1.  “A little bit about me and my plans” (October 2019)
  2. “Learning” (November 2019)
  3. “Axelot saves the day” (December 2019)
  4. “Ready, set, go” (January 2020) 
  5.  “According to plan” (February 2020)
  6. “Mono no aware” Part 1 & Part 2  (March & April 2020)
  7. In the land of dandelions (May 2020)
  8. I see the Sun” (June & July 2020)
  9.  “Over the rainbow” (August 2020)
  10. Final act” (September 2020)


The traditional autumn mushroom exhibition of Tartu Nature House will take place again on September 22-25!

In the main hall of the Nature House, there is a selection of mushrooms from our forests, meadows, parks and lodges in South Estonia for admiration and acquaintance. The mushroom exhibition is supplemented every day with new exciting species, and every day from 2 pm there is also a mushroom expert from the Natural History Museum, who answers questions about mushrooms and, if possible, helps to identify the mushrooms brought by visitors. In the small mushroom laboratory you can get acquainted with the mycelium, spore leaves and tubes and animals living in fungi, in addition you can get acquainted with the life of mushrooms at the stand exhibition. Mushrooms growing in the park of the nature house are also marked during the exhibition.

For schools and kindergartens, we offer pre-registration mushroom-themed study programs that go through an exhibition inside or outside the instructor, fill out worksheets and visit a mushroom laboratory.

Mushroom exhibition “Fungime!” 22.-25.09.2019
Tartu Nature House, Lille 10
9:00 -18: 00

• Mushrooms from the forests of Southern Estonia
• A small mushroom laboratory
• Introduction to mushroom life on stands
• Consultation of mushroom specialists every day 14-18
• Marked mushrooms in the park of the nature house


TICKET: Adults 2 €, preschoolers and Tartu Nature House hobby school students free of charge.

NB! Every day until 4 pm, the visit load of the exhibition is higher, because school groups visit the exhibition. The visitor load is lower between 16.30 and 18.00. Upon request, guests can purchase a disposable mask from the information desk.

The mushroom exhibition is supported by the Environmental Investment Center.


Additional information:

Liina Vakrööm
project manager

Dear nature film lovers, MAFF is coming to Tartu again!

The guest screenings of the 18th Matsalu Nature Film Festival in Tartu will take place on 26-27. September in Tartu Nature House. This is a great opportunity for everyone who does not have the opportunity to go to Lihula to watch movies to take part in the festival.

The aim of the festival is to introduce and recognize new nature and environmental films and their creators. To offer the visitor the opportunity to participate in the best of the world’s nature films and thereby increase the viewers’ awareness and interest in environmental issues. The festival promotes a nature-friendly and sustainable way of life and respect for the deeply natural traditions of indigenous peoples.

Film festival program in Tartu Nature House:



Movies are in original language, with estonian subtitles.

Ticket information:

It is possible to book and buy festival passes and / or individual tickets for the film festival.
The number of seats in the hall of the nature house is limited and we follow the principle of dispersion.
NB! Students are free to watch the films, but pre-registration / booking is required via the link below.

More information & details about the tickets: or +372 36 6120

Ticket prices: 

Full price Discount*  
1-day pass  12 8 on the desired day (26.09 or 27.09) guarantees admission to five MAFF films
2-day pass 20 12 guarantees admission to all festival films on both days
Single session 3 2 guarantees admission to one selected film at a specific time and date

* discount ticket: students, pensioners


Additional information about the  MAFF: