Rahvusvaheline õuesõppe veebinar õpetajatele ja haridushuvilistele 18.03

Kutsume õpetajaid, keskkonnahariduse spetsialiste ja õuesõppe entusiaste osalema rahvusvahelisel veebinaril “Outdoor education and sustainability in action” 18.märtsil kell 16:00-18:00!

Veebinaril tutvustatakse praktilisi õuesõppe meetodeid ja õppevahendeid Eestist, Rootsist ja Leedust. Jagatakse kogemusi, sealhulgas 6000-kilomeetriselt jalgsimatkalt ümber Läänemere, vahetatakse õuesõppe parimaid praktikaid ning pakutakse inspiratsiooni uute ideede algatamiseks.

Kindlasti tasub kuulama tulla Linköpingi Ülikooli professorit Anders Szczepanskit, kes on Euroopas juhtiv õuesõppe pedagoogika ja filosoofia lahtimõtestaja ning mitmete erialaste raamatute autor. Norrtälje looduskeskus Rootsist jagab õuesõppe tegevusi ning valminud ökoloogia uurimiskohvrite sisu, mille materjalid tõlgitakse projekti lõpuks ka eesti keelde.

Veebinar toimub Zoomis ja on ingliskeelne.

Join our inspiring online webinar “Outdoor education and sustainability in action” on March 18th at 16–18 (EET)! 

Are you an educator passionate about innovative teaching methods, outdoor education, and sustainability? Join us for an exciting and interactive webinar showcasing creative ways to inspire students, protect the Baltic Sea, and enhance environmental education!

What’s in it for you?

  • Discover hands-on outdoor education methods from experts across the Baltics and Sweden
  • Get practical resources for integrating sustainability into your curriculum
  • Network with like-minded educators and exchange best practices
  • Learn about real-life projects making an impact on students and the environment




Agenda of the webinar:

  • 16:00 – Why Outdoor Learning is a Game-Changer for Sustainability?
    Welcome & Introduction by Gedy Matisen, Tartu Nature House
    Virtual tour in Tartu Nature House: Outdoor activities for environmental education
  • 16:15 – Saving the Baltic Sea in Action
    Lessons from the “Save The Baltic Sea” expedition by Dovilė Jadenkutė, NGO For Clean Lithuania
  • 16:30 – Nature as a Classroom: Outdoor Learning in Sweden
    Discover Norrtälje Nature Centrum with Lotta Andersson, the executive director
    The Philosophy Behind Outdoor Education by professor Anders Szczepanski, Linköping University
  • 17:00 – Science on the Move: Mobile Ecology Classrooms
    Bringing Science Outdoors! Implementing mobile classroom boxes for hands-on ecology investigations in Sweden with Westerlund
  • 17:25 – Rocks That Tell Stories: Teaching Geology with Animated Characters
    Enhancing Student Skills & Environmental Awareness through outdoor adventures with animated glacial erratics characters
    Rock Study Programs for 4th–9th Graders by Anna-Grete Joamets, Tartu Nature House
  • 17:50 – Open Discussion & Collaboration
    How can we bring outdoor sustainability education to more schools, kindergartens?
    Collecting new ideas and starting potential partnerships
  • 18:00 – Closing & Next Steps

Materials will be sent to your e-mail address provided upon registration. The webinar will be recorded and can be re-watched later on.

This event is funded by Nordplus Horizontal project: “Sustainability Education Promotion with Outdoor Learning for a Healthier Baltic Sea” (NPHZ-2024/10120).